Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe page, if you're looking for Cheesy Tuna & Mixed Veg Bake recipe, look no further! We provide you only the best Cheesy Tuna & Mixed Veg Bake recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Cheesy Tuna & Mixed Veg Bake
Cheesy Tuna & Mixed Veg Bake

Before you jump to Cheesy Tuna & Mixed Veg Bake recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Exactly Why Are Apples So Good With Regard To Your Health.

On TV and in magazines absolutely everyone is telling you to eat an apple a day, however, have you ever asked yourself why? This is something that many individuals live by and they also make sure their children are eating at least one apple a day. You will even find that individuals in other country’s also follow this simple rule and they don’t know why. In our research we have discovered why you are told to eat an apple a day and we will be discussing that with you here.

So what can all these minerals and vitamins do for the health and wellbeing of your body. Well first off there have been quite a few studies done that report that eating apples can reduce the potential risk of various cancers. A number of the cancers that apples can help prevent are breast, liver, lung and colon cancers. I don’t know about you but when I read that I went out and got a whole bag of apples.

In conclusion, I guess an apple a day really can keep the doctor away and now you recognize why. In this article we just discussed several of the benefits of eating an apple a day. You’ll be able to locate many more benefits regarding your health in relation to apples. When you go shopping again, don’t forget to pick up a number of apples, their in the produce isle. These apples can end up helping you to live a longer and also healthier life.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to cheesy tuna & mixed veg bake recipe. You can cook cheesy tuna & mixed veg bake using 16 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

The ingredients needed to make Cheesy Tuna & Mixed Veg Bake:
  1. Get 1/2-1 Romanesco Broccoli
  2. Prepare 1 green pepper
  3. Get 4 fresh tomatoes, red & yellow
  4. Prepare 1 onion
  5. Use Handful Romano / flat beans
  6. Use 1-2 cloves garlic
  7. Use 2 carrots
  8. Use 2 medium potatoes
  9. You need 80 g Cheddar cheese, grated
  10. Get 500 ml milk
  11. Take 25 g butter
  12. Prepare 25 g plain flour
  13. Prepare Salt and pepper
  14. Provide Sprinkle of mixed herbs
  15. Provide 1 can line caught Tuna
  16. Provide 1 small squash
Steps to make Cheesy Tuna & Mixed Veg Bake:
  1. Peel & chop your veggies, chunky pieces are good. Boil the tougher veg until slightly soft to speed up cooking times. Place in a pan suitable for roasting. Preheat oven to around 190.
  2. Use a garlic crusher and mix 1-2 cloves depending on size in with the veggies and herbs of choice. Mix in the tuna
  3. Make your cheese sauce! If you have loads of veggies double the quantities to make more cheesy sauce. Melt the butter in a pan. Stir in the flour and cook for 1-2 mins. Take the pan off the heat, stirring in the milk until smooth. Return to heat and bring to boil. Simmer for 5 mins and slowly stir in the grated cheese. Mix the sauce over the veggies. Bake for 25 mins, use the grill to get a nice crispy top.
  4. I forgot to take a pic of the lovely crispy top as was too keen to eat 😳

If you find this Cheesy Tuna & Mixed Veg Bake recipe valuable please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.