Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe site, looking for the perfect ~Mikes Jailhouse Noodles~ recipe? look no further! We provide you only the best ~Mikes Jailhouse Noodles~ recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

~Mikes Jailhouse Noodles~
~Mikes Jailhouse Noodles~

Before you jump to ~Mikes Jailhouse Noodles~ recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Choosing Fast Food That’s Good For You.

Almost every single article about losing weight and getting healthy informs readers to avoid drive through windows like the plague and that they need to carry out all of their own cooking. There’s some benefit to this. From time to time, though, the last thing you choose is to have to cook a meal from scratch. Sometimes almost all you want is to go to the drive through and get home quickly. There isn’t any reason that you shouldn’t be permitted to do this and not be suffering from guilt about slipping on your diet. You are able to do this because lots of the popular joints are now promoting “healthy” menu alternatives to keep their businesses up. Here’s how it is possible to eat healthfully when you are at a fast food spot.

Aim at the side dishes. Not that long ago, the only real side dish item available at a fast food restaurant was French fries. Today the vast majority of the most popular fast food franchises have improved their offerings. Now lots of them offer you salads. Chili can be yet another option. You can also purchase a baked potato. You can pick fruit. There are a lot of selections that you can choose that do not force you to ingest foods that have been deep fried. When you buy your meal through a drive through window, choose side dishes instead of just grabbing something premade. When you are doing this you can keep your fat content and also calorie counts low.

Basic reason states that the best way to lose pounds and get healthy is to ban fast food from your diet completely. While this is usually recommended all you need to do is make a couple of good decisions and going to the drive through isn’t anything to worry about–when you do it in moderation. Sometimes the thing you need most is just to have somebody else do the cooking. When you want wholesome menu items, you do not have to feel bad about visiting the drive through.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to ~mikes jailhouse noodles~ recipe. You can cook ~mikes jailhouse noodles~ using 6 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you do it.

The ingredients needed to prepare ~Mikes Jailhouse Noodles~:
  1. Prepare pack beef flavored ramen noodles (we have always done them with beef but u could try other flavors)
  2. Use herrs bbq potatoe chips (this is the only brand n flavor we use, but like before u can try others if u want
  3. Use water
  4. Provide other things needed
  5. Take dry kitchen towel to wrap noodles in
  6. You need glass measuring cup or u can use a coffee pot which is what they had to use
Steps to make ~Mikes Jailhouse Noodles~:
  1. Start off by boiling your water in the microwave for 4 min, this is if u use the glass measuring cup. If your using a coffee pot heat up a cup of water.
  2. While water is heating crush your noodles up in the bag and take out the seasoning packet. Being very careful open the top of your bag, make sure u don't get any tears down the side, also make sure u don't puncture any holes in the sides of the bag.
  3. Add in half your seasoning pack and give a good shake! Add in crushed chips n give another shake shake!! Now add the rest of your packet n give one final lil shake!!
  4. By this time your water should be done, so CAREFULLY hold the top of the bags corner with one hand while u pour the boiling water into the bag with the other.
  5. Grab the bag with two hands at the top and roll the bag down as tightly as you can. Lay the bag on an open towel and bring up the sides and corners of your towel, just wrap it all up snuggle as a bug! Make sure u don't let the bag fall over tho, u want it standing straight up. Sit aside n wait roughly 4 min. That's it, just give em a stir!!
  6. These do take a lil longer to prepare then normal ramen noodles in a pot but they are well worth it. My kids could live on em lol…n I guess when ur in jail if there is anything u can do to jazz up a meal then ur gonna do it!!

If you find this ~Mikes Jailhouse Noodles~ recipe valuable please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.