Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe site, looking for the perfect Slow Cooker cabbage, sausage, & potatoes recipe? look no further! We provide you only the perfect Slow Cooker cabbage, sausage, & potatoes recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Slow Cooker cabbage, sausage, & potatoes
Slow Cooker cabbage, sausage, & potatoes

Before you jump to Slow Cooker cabbage, sausage, & potatoes recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Apples Can Have Enormous Advantages To Improve Your Health.

Everyone has heard the words “an apple a day will keep the doctor away”, but the question is, is this genuinely a true statement. This is something which many men and women live by and they also ensure their children are eating at least one apple a day. This thought is known all over the world and individuals just take it as fact without knowing if this is actually true. You will be happy to know that we have completed a little research, and we are going to teach you why this is regarded as a miracle fruit.

At this point we are going to explain to you why these minerals and vitamins are important to good health. You might or might not be aware that apples can actually help reduce risks of various cancers, and that is because of all the things in apples. A few of the cancers that apples can help prevent are breast, liver, lung and colon cancers. That point alone ought to be enough to make sure men and women are eating at least one apple a day.

And now you understand why individuals tell you that you ought to eat an apple every day. Something you should recognize is that we only discussed a portion of the benefits of eating apples. Every one of the benefits would take us too long to include in this article, but the information is out there. So do yourself a favor and purchase some apples when you go to the store. It can truly help your overall health for short term as well as for the long haul.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to slow cooker cabbage, sausage, & potatoes recipe. To make slow cooker cabbage, sausage, & potatoes you only need 8 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you do that.

The ingredients needed to make Slow Cooker cabbage, sausage, & potatoes:
  1. Take 1.5 pounds potatoes, quartered
  2. Use 2 packages kielbasa, smoked sausage or whatever you prefer - uncooked & sliced
  3. Provide 1 head or approx. 6 cups of cabbage
  4. Provide 4 cups stock - chicken, vegetable, or ham
  5. Use Salt and pepper to your liking
  6. Prepare (Optional) A dash or two of Worcestershire sauce
  7. Provide (Optional) baby carrots
  8. You need (Optional) onion
Instructions to make Slow Cooker cabbage, sausage, & potatoes:
  1. Add ingredients by layers into a 6-quart slow cooker.
  2. Cook on low for 6-8 hours. How easy is that?!

If you find this Slow Cooker cabbage, sausage, & potatoes recipe useful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.