Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe site, If you're looking for new recipes to try this weekend, look no further! We provide you only the best Ginseng Chicken Soup recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Ginseng Chicken Soup
Ginseng Chicken Soup

Before you jump to Ginseng Chicken Soup recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Apples Can Have Massive Advantages To Improve Your Health.

On TV and in magazines absolutely everyone is telling you to eat an apple a day, however, have you ever asked yourself why? Many individuals have lived with this philosophy for many years, and they in addition pass this on to their children. This specific thought can be found in country’s all around the world and people follow it as gospel with out ever learning why they should eat an apple a day. In our research we have found out why you are told to eat an apple a day and we’ll be revealing that with you here.

Now the question turns into, why are these types of vitamins and minerals essential? You may or may not be aware that apples can in fact help reduce risks of different cancers, and that is because of all the things in apples. By eating apples you can actually lessen your chances of getting breast or lung cancer. Just that one factor should really be adequate reason for everyone to start eating apples.

And now you understand why people tell you that you need to eat an apple every day. The huge benefits we covered are only a couple of of the benefits that eating apples can offer. You will be able to locate many more benefits with regard to your health in relation to apples. I am hoping that the the very next time you go to the food store you find yourself getting plenty of apples. It can really help your overall health for short term and also for the long haul.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to ginseng chicken soup recipe. You can have ginseng chicken soup using 8 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to prepare Ginseng Chicken Soup:
  1. Get 1 free range chicken, cut into 4pcs
  2. Provide 10 grams American Ginseng
  3. Prepare 10 dried red dates
  4. Use 2 tablespoons wolf berries
  5. Take 1-2 teaspoons salt
  6. Prepare 2 litre water
  7. Use 20 grams Huay Shan
  8. Use Dash Pepper for spicy effect when serving
Steps to make Ginseng Chicken Soup:
  1. Blanch chicken in hot water till foam appears at the edge. (Or 5-7min) Drain and set aside.
  2. Throw all ingredients (except wolf berries) into water and bring it to a boil. Once boiled, add chicken. Continue boiling for 8min. Reduce heat and simmer for 40min.
  3. Add wolf berries and simmer again till you are satisfied with the flavour of the soup. (Boil longer if you prefer a stronger ginseng essence)
  4. Add salt to taste. Serve.

If you find this Ginseng Chicken Soup recipe valuable please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.