Hello everybody, welcome to my recipe site, if you're looking for Chicken salad recipe, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Chicken salad recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Chicken salad
Chicken salad

Before you jump to Chicken salad recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Exactly Why Are Apples So Good For Your Health.

On TV and in magazines absolutely everyone is telling you to eat an apple a day, however, have you ever asked yourself why? You might know men and women that live by this and also require that their children live by this principle as well. You will even find that individuals in other country’s also stick to this simple rule and they don’t know why. You will be delighted to know that we have done a little research, and we are going to teach you why this is regarded as a miracle fruit.

You might have always been told to be sure that you are eating your vegetables and fruits so you get your vitamins, but apples have been at the top of the list. Well lets take a look at the vitamins and minerals which you can acquire in just one apple. A number of the major minerals that you will find in apples are potassium, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, sodium, copper and zinc, as well as other trace minerals. And you will even find vitamins in your apples such as, vitamin A, B1, B2, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, B6, C, E, K and various other trace vitamins.

And now you know why individuals tell you that you ought to eat an apple every day. The huge benefits we covered are only a handful of of the benefits that eating apples can offer. If you look and ask around, you will come to see that the benefits can seem to be limitless. When you go shopping again, make sure you pick up some apples, their in the produce section. You will notice that your overall health may tremendously be benefited by consuming apples.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to chicken salad recipe. You can cook chicken salad using 13 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to make Chicken salad:
  1. Use Half Red bell pepper
  2. Provide Half yellow bell pepper
  3. Get leaves Some Salad
  4. Get 100 gm Pineapple chopped
  5. Get 4 crumbed chicken strips cooked(psn fried or baked)
  6. Provide 1 cucumber
  7. Get 1 carrot
  8. Prepare 1/2 avocado
  9. Get Light mayo
  10. Prepare Salt
  11. Get Pepper
  12. Prepare Lemon
  13. You need Handful salted peanuts
Instructions to make Chicken salad:
  1. Put salad leaves in a bowl
  2. Slice red, yellow bell pepper. Chop cucumbers and carrots
  3. Mix them into leaves
  4. Cut avocado and pineapple. Mix in other ingredients.
  5. Mix everything together in the bowl and now add chicken, salt, pepper and mayonnaise
  6. Add peanuts & add lemon if you need tangy.

If you find this Chicken salad recipe useful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.