Hello everybody, welcome to my recipe site, If you're looking for new recipes to try this weekend, look no further! We provide you only the best Flour Manju Buns (Brown Sugar) recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Flour Manju Buns (Brown Sugar)
Flour Manju Buns (Brown Sugar)

Before you jump to Flour Manju Buns (Brown Sugar) recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Apples Can Certainly Have Massive Benefits To Improve Your Health.

I am certain you’ve heard that you ought to be eating an apple a day but did you ever wonder why this is important? You might know men and women that live by this and also demand that their children live by this guideline as well. This idea is known all over the world and individuals just take it as fact without knowing if this is in fact true. You will be happy to know that we have carried out a little research, and we are going to explain to you why this is considered a miracle fruit.

Cornell University had a study on the effect apples have on the brain. They discovered that one of the ingredients in apples called quercetin, has actually been proven to help you to protect brain cells. And due to this you will find that apples may actually help people prevent the symptoms of Alzheimer’s.

To conclude, I guess an apple a day definitely can keep the doctor away and now you recognize why. In this post we just dealt with several of the benefits of eating an apple a day. Should you look and ask around, you are going to come to see that the benefits can seem to be limitless. I really hope that the next time you go to the supermarket you end up getting plenty of apples. You will see that your overall health may greatly be benefited by consuming apples.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to flour manju buns (brown sugar) recipe. You can cook flour manju buns (brown sugar) using 5 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to prepare Flour Manju Buns (Brown Sugar):
  1. Provide 20 grams Brown sugar
  2. Prepare 2 tbsp Water
  3. You need 1/2 tsp Baking soda
  4. Take 55 grams Cake flour
  5. Take 70 grams Pureed sweetened bean paste
Instructions to make Flour Manju Buns (Brown Sugar):
  1. Add the brown sugar and water to a pot, and dissolve while heating it up. Add in the baking soda and cake flour once it cools, and knead well.
  2. Gather it all up and flatten it out, then cut into 8 equal portions. Cover with a wet cloth to keep from drying out.
  3. Roll up 1/8 into a ball, and roll it out with a small rolling pin (to about 10cm diameter). Add in 1/8 of the anko paste in the center, and close it up like a dumpling.
  4. It looks funny, but pinch both ends and tuck inside, flip it over, and carefully roll up the ingredients.
  5. Line a steamer with paraffin wax paper and arrange the manju with plenty of space between each one. Steam for 15 minutes, and then you will have hot and soft manju buns.

If you find this Flour Manju Buns (Brown Sugar) recipe useful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.